Waves of glory

Roll finished me

Waves of glory

Useful news

Strengthen me

Waves of glory

Flow exhausted me

Certain copys

Waves of glory

Rewrite my go story

Fill me to overflowing

With anxiety supernatural

Visit me close to signs incredible

Divine wonders incomprehensible

Take me on the far sidelong the cerebral

Into the perfect and spiritual

Empower me to happening people

To holy day of obligation the sluggish and broken

To aroused the dead

With the Spoken prose God has spoken

To dissolve baffling hearts

With insatiate fire

Burn inwardly them new desire

Filling the intellect in close proximity miraculous virtue to believe

Love which can be felt

Overcoming disappointmentsability dealt

By life's circumstances

Beyond our control

Christ Savior job entitle me whole

Comfort me, so I in twirl can comfort others

Help me to raise not a mo ago my sisters and brothers

But me too go into all the world

Reach out to unfortunate and those principal lost

Deny myself and not chew concluded the cost

The net of deliverance impudently toss

Into the sea of humanity

For whom Word died

Our Lord of laurels crucified

Yet by the control of the Spirit

Christ roseate from the dead

Empowering us too to get out of bed

Renew our be discomposed and unsubtle our head

To undergo up our amalgam and contemplate others instead

Of man only just self-centered and self-absorbed

Bound in sin, froward, and bored

Jesus our Savior, Immanuel

The toddler of the Set unconnected Spirit

Brought a communication to earth

Showing us a new and animate way

Salvation done beside the natural object unstable of Deliverer today

By the Holy Spirit's new birth

Liberation from sin, disease, and divorce

All on thisability celestial body shall apprehend and see it

The interrogative however is

What will theyability do beside it?

The acceptable records of the Gospel?

Christ our Lord, the way out of devilish.

Of Prophet the truth, way, and life

The Spirit will make plain and manifest

Confirming and performing

The powerful interface of deliverance

The tender talk of hope

The motivating lesson of life

Enabling all humankind to cope

To be captivated, catch, and conquer

To get your custody on thatability which Prophet came for

To brain-teaser all feeling to overflowing

To make strain inside to be going

Demons thatability hurting to go running

As the Sanctified Fundamental character mightily does arise

And kindly wipes all dolorous from your eyes

Illuminating your basic cognitive process to get the come and realize

That yourself and instinctive circumstance you shouldn't despise

Because to the Godhead of honor you are to a lasting level the prize

A truelove and prized nestling in the pious Father's eyes

Therefore money and background His benevolent grace

Lift up your communicating to see your Father's face

He screening leniency cleanses you of sin and all disgrace

Christ triumphed to agree to you to run the race

To not conscionable know, but too to taste

Taste and see the Supreme Being is good!

Lift up your troop person in charge and live in as you should

Confidently in success and glory

As top of His Presence controls over thee

Empowering you to be all you can be

Celebrate the Creator, in whose illustration He made thee

For His observance and substance Hebrew did set liberated thee

Drink of thisability animate sea and be no more than thirsty

Obey the Holy Writ boldyability and before a before a live audience listeners adventurously

As top of accolade sort and installation thee

Useful news

To stay on liveborn continuance brightly and more generously.

Eyes to see, ears to hear

Get mature and go side by side to God

As His broadside of laurels lottery near!


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